Wednesday 26 June 2013

ISLAND IN THE SUN - Lutoboka and the Resorts

So here we are...
We've taken the ship over from the mainland to Lutoboka so now it's time to show you our end of the island. Although the main road (red soil track) to the main town of Kalangala goes straight ahead we're first of all going to walk left and right from the landing stage.
To the right (west) there are several "beach resorts". Whatever your experiences of resorts in Europe or America it is probably better to wipe them out of your mind. Although a little up-market compared with the basic guesthouses and hostels of the inland towns and villages most Europeans will still find these "a little basic". However accommodation can be reasonably comfortable, they have bars and decent restaurants. As far as the "beach" element is concerned it may be getting to the point where the "trade descriptions" people get our their red pencils because the beaches are disappearing....
The levels of Lake Victoria are rising steadily. Generally in Uganda rainfall has increased over the last few years (even in the dry season) and the River Nile is flowing at dangerously high levels along its route so the big sluice gates near the lake are not being opened as often. This has caused Lake Victoria to rise to unprecedented levels. Higher water level = disappearing beaches! Apparently we have a beach on our land at Sozi but I haven't seen it yet! Nevertheless most of the resorts have got recreational areas and lakeside walks.

This is the bar at Pearl Gardens Beach Resort. In the distance you can just make out the restaurant.

What's left of the beach at Pearl Gardens Beach

Looking towards the Landing Site from Pearl Gardens

Following the Olympics Beach Volleyball seems to gained popularity

Water's edge at Pearl Gardens

Sue and John with the melancholy donkey that hangs around the landing site - Eeyore!

And so to Lutoboka, the little fishing village. As with most of the little coastal villages this settlement is very impoverished. Apart from fishing there is little or no income and fishing is becoming harder due to water pollution and rules on "illegal fishing". Here are some photos of Lutoboka and its people. I don't think there's need for any other description....

So there's an insight into one of the poorest villages on Bugala Island. Despite being surrounded by the resorts there is abstract poverty here. The shops (shown in the bottom photo) only survive because they are on the main road up to the resorts and Kalangala.

Next time we're going to climb the hill up to the district main town of Kalangala. See you there!

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