Welcome to KALANGALA, the main town of Bugala Island and also the administrative centre of Kalangala District which is geographically the 84 Ssese islands. The population of Kalangala Parish (Kalangala Town, Lutoboka, Mweena and a few surrounding villages in the north-east of the island) is probably not much more than 15,000 but it is hard to assess as the official statistics for the whole of the islands vary from 35,000 to 55,000. Kalangala Town is really one long main street, Main Road, which extends for about one mile with several tracks leading off to settlements or villages. The photo above is taken looking due east.
Buildings along both sides of Main Road are predominantly commercial so let's have a look at some of the businesses....
Typical shops on the side of Main Road Kalangala. There's a grass verge between the road and the shops in most places.
When we arrived in July 2012 this monstrosity had been erected on Main Road
The two local take-aways!
Main Road Kalangala looking west and showing the small mosque tower on the right.
One of the two Electrical Stores
Mr Mukibi the "Super Butcher"
Water World where I'll be staying when I'm not at the Project
The Kalangala District Offices - a strange contrast to all the other buildings
Kalangala Market Place, through a small gap off Main Road
Matooke (pronounced "ma-tow-kay"), green banana, the main staple vegetable of Uganda
Most fruit and vegetables here are recognisable (but the fruit is fresher!)
The Covered Market
Tilapia - the beautiful Lake Victoria fish
Another view of the shops on Main Road
The tailor/dressmaker. He makes most of his garments inside the detached building although some ladies' dresses are bought in. This photo was taken in January 2013 just before the new school year started so you see the local school uniforms hanging on the wall.
...and my final Kalangala retail photo - another form of take-away!
As you've already seen the islands are very green. This is part of the Equatorial strip that goes right round the earth that has a lot of forestation. Thus the verdant scenery can take you by surprise if your first African travels bring you here. Also Uganda (and thus Lake Victoria) is about 1,000 metres above sea level so you don't get the heat extremes. Here are a few general scenes taken in and around Kalangala Town...
...and this is what makes it green! Heavy rain on our first day here in January - THE DRY SEASON!
But what it did produce for us was this amazing and totally natural puddle we saw on the way back from church that morning! Africa, Oh Africa!
In the Luganda language consonants are rarely put together thus English words are sometimes given the same treatment!!!
The view down to the lake from Main Road Kalangala which runs along a ridge about 200 metres above Lake level.
View across Main Road from Water World
The road from Kalangala towards the fishing village of Mweena and our project at Sozi
Another view of the lake from Main Road Kalangala
Next time I'll introduce you to some of the schools of Kalangala.